Caalma is a family-friendly coworking space, providing flexibility and productivity, to those who simply need to get things done.

Rebecca is the third generation owner of Schickel Design. She graduated with a Bachelor’s of History from the University of Chicago. She then moved to New York and received her Master’s in Architecture from the City University of New York. Following graduate school, she worked as a project manager at luxury residential architecture firm, Mabbott Seidel, in Manhattan for 4 years. She then moved on to work at Curtis +Ginsberg Architects in New York on larger affordable housing projects.

In 2014, her first daughter Alma was born – 2 years later, the family returned to Cincinnati to join the team at Schickel Design. She enjoys navigating her entrepreneurial journey, mothering 3 daughters, and spending time with her husband and best bud, Kyle.

executive director

Rebecca Dorff Cadena

SCHICKEL interior designer

Sarah Pfander 

Sarah graduated from Ohio University with an Interior Architecture degree and is an Interior Designer at Schickel Design (owner Rebecca's architecture firm).

Sarah has been a vital asset to the team, taking Caalma from an idea to reality- helping plan, implement and execute the renovation, design and model.  Sarah's sharp eye for interior design helped shape each space, creating Caalma's unique and cozy environment.

You can find her at Caalma daily, working in both the Schickel office as well as coworking spaces. 

In the midst of an increasingly isolationist society, where many spend more time working with technology than with other people, and others find themselves in places far from home, I wanted to create a “village for the modern family” where everybody is somebody. Caalma is foremost a community—where students, couples, families, working parents, retirees, persons from all different walks of life—are a home for each other. 

As we grow, Caalma will inhabit a physical community space in Cincinnati, Ohio. It will support all aspects of life, with spaces for productive quiet work, spaces for communal gathering, a dining hall where people can eat together, and a state of the art, nature-based, whole-person focused childcare center. And, continuing in the belief that the stages of life are not meant to be separate from one another, it will be a home away from the house. 

We believe that the common US model of separating childcare, 9-5 office jobs is a broken model that doesn’t promote wholeness. 

We believe that people of all ages have a natural symbiosis — children should be able to see adults at work, young people share companionship, families support each other, and elders offer guidance and insight. To silo people off in their own little bubbles does us all a disservice. 

I know that I am my best, most whole self when I can bring together my work and my family in a meaningful way. Caalma exists to make this possible for you. 

- Rebecca Dorff Cadena
Executive Director

I hope your soul can find a home here.

Caalma, short for Casa de Alma, is the belief that everyone needs a home of the soul.